Partnership for the Sounds is dedicated to celebrating the nature and culture of the Albemarle-Pamlico Peninsula. We share the history of this unique region through our environmental education facilities, with the goal of inspiring all our visitors to cherish everything that eastern North Carolina has to offer.
North Carolina Estuarium
Washington, NC
$5 for adults; $3 children K-12; free 4-under
(252) 948-0000
10:30am-3:30pm, Tuesdays-Saturdays
Roanoke/Cashie River Center
Windsor, NC
Admission free; donations welcomed
10am-4pm, Tue-Fri; 10am-2pm Saturdays
(252) 794-2001
Columbia Theater Cultural Resources Center
Columbia, NC
Admission free; donations welcomed
(252) 766-0200
11am-4pm, Thursdays-Fridays
Tyrrell County Visitor's Center
Columbia, NC
(252) 796-0723
9am-5pm, Mondays-Saturdays